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How to deal with tangle hair?

The problem of tangling concerns women, whose strands are dry and damaged, and whose ends constantly split and snag, causing damage. Almost the key adventure with the song here is proper care. Getting tangled up in the text here is mechanical damage.

How to reduce the problem of tangle hair ?

Hair should be subjected to intensive care. The smoother the surface you manage with cosmetics, the less risk of tangling your hair.


* Moisturizing masks

* Oils

* Conditioners before and after washing the hair


* If you see split ends, ask a hairdresser to cut them to the correct length

* Before each washing, thoroughly comb your hair using quality brushes and combs.

* After washing, do not rub your hair with a towel. Gently squeeze out excess water and wrap your hair in a towel for several minutes

* Protect hair ends with serum after each wash

* Don't go to bed with wet hair

* Put up your hair while sleeping and also in bad weather conditions

* Restrictions on styling fixtures such as mousses and hairsprays

* If possible, detangle your hair several times a day

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